When it comes to gaps on a nanny resume, we strongly disagree with most nanny agencies.

Indeed, agencies often consider gaps on a nanny CV as suspicious, unprofessional or even abnormal, and they reject so many great candidates simply because of the resume gaps…

If absolutely all families who employ nannies were great employers and kept their nannies for a long time, and if it were that easy to find a job, yes, a nanny’s resume with gaps might be weird or abnormal, but it is not the case… and we do believe that nannies should not be judged based on gaps in their CV!

If you’re a nanny with gaps in your resume, you can’t force these agencies to work with you if they don’t want to, but don’t let them devalue you: there are plenty of excellent candidates with gaps on their CVs and they know it very well!

Gaps on a nanny resume do not mean :

Someone unprofessional, lazy or unreliable
Someone who doesn’t want a stable, long-term job
Performance issue or lack of knowledge
Someone with rusty or obsolete skills, who do not keep up with industry trends
Someone who does not fulfill their contracts and will leave their next role just the same

Gaps on a nanny resume may mean :

I was looking for work
I haven’t been lucky to find my dream job yet
I am not ready to accept anything
The needs of my former employers have changed along the way or I had no luck with my previous employers
I faced unexpected personal circumstances (health issue, family situation)


Jobs for Nannies