by jobsfornannies | Feb 5, 2025 | Non classé, Nanny Facts, Nanny Career
Here are the profiles that parents are looking for the most… if you match one of these profiles and you are also bilingual, you have a better chance of being noticed by recruiters or potential employers… ☆ Nannies trained in Montessori or Waldorf (or...
by jobsfornannies | Feb 3, 2025 | Non classé, Nanny Career
Merci à Aurélie, de The Parents Factory, pour cet article qui met en avant la complémentarité des métiers de Nanny et Baby Planner! Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur ces deux professions complémentaires, leurs missions, et comment elles aident à alléger la charge...
by jobsfornannies | Jan 27, 2025 | Non classé, Nanny Agencies, Nanny Experience, Nanny Career
When it comes to gaps on a nanny resume, we strongly disagree with most nanny agencies. Indeed, agencies often consider gaps on a nanny CV as suspicious, unprofessional or even abnormal, and they reject so many great candidates simply because of the resume gaps…...
by jobsfornannies | Jan 16, 2025 | Nanny Recruitment Insights, Non classé, Pro Nanny tips, Nanny Experience, Nanny Career
Many candidates are not taken seriously because they claim to be experts in everything and that they can do it all to a high standard. It is possible to be interested in many things and have done many different things, but it is much more difficult to be an expert in...
by jobsfornannies | Jan 15, 2025 | Non classé, Nanny Facts, Nanny Career
☆ You’re underpaid ☆ You’re not paid on time ☆ You’re overworked ☆ You work overtime without overtime pay ☆ Your time is not respected ☆ You are taken for the maid ☆ Your responsibilities have changed ☆ Your work is neither respected nor appreciated...
by jobsfornannies | Jan 8, 2025 | Nanny Employer, Nanny Facts, Nanny Career, Nanny Recruitment Insights, Non classé, Nanny Agencies
The work of a nanny is constantly evolving and sometimes what is called a “nanny job” is no longer even the traditional nanny job that the candidates had initially chosen to do… Nannies, have you noticed that there are more and more Nanny / Family Assistant or...