FT = Full time
PT = Part time
HM = House Manager
HK = Housekeeper
MN = Maternity Nurse
NCS = Newborn Care Specialist
MH = Mother’s Helper
FA = Family Assistant
HP = High Profile
HNW = High Net Worth
UHNW = Ultra High Net Worth
ROTA = Rotational / Rotating Nanny
NNR = Not Nanny Related
NK = Nanny Kid
NF = Nanny Family
NK# = Nanny Kid and Age (ex : NK3 = Nanny Kid aged 3)
B# = Boy and Age (ex: : G4 = Girl aged 4)
G# = Girl and Age (ex: : B4 = Boy aged 4)
LO = Little Ones
Charges = Children you are in charge of
NWOC = Nanny With Own Child
NPs = Nanny Parents
NT = Nanny Twins, Triplets
DB = Dad Boss
MB = Mom Boss
FTM = First Time Mom
FTD = First Time Dad
SAHM = Stay At Home Mom
SAHD = Stay At Home Dad
WFH = Work From Home
NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement
OTB = On The Books
NOTB = Not On The Books
PTO = Paid Time Off
GH = Guaranteed Hours
DOE = Dependent On Experience / Education
TBD = To be discussed
ECE = Early Childhood Education
EYFS = Early Years Foundation Stage
CPST = Child Passenger Safety Technician
Anything else that needs to be added?
Let us know in the comments!