Social media can be a valuable job search tool, but many candidates use it in ways that work against them.

If you’re active on social media, you should never forget that everything you post is largely public, so you need to make sure it won’t harm your job search.

Here is how we advise you to use and not use social media when searching for a nanny job:

✅️ Use it to share your knowledge and expertise

✅️ Use it to show your passion for your job

✅️ Use it to keep up to date and stay informed

✅️ Use it to market yourself

✅️ Most importantly, use it to network!

❌️ Do not use it to post complaints about employers, recruiters, clients, co-workers and other industry professionals

❌️ Do not use it to stalk, slander or even harass people

❌️ Do not use it to post strong opinions, rants or even blatant lies

❌️ Do not use it to overshare personal information

❌️ Do not use it to let the world know you’re desperate for a job, or to whine that your job search is not successful

Employers and recruiters prefer to see what you cook for the children or what DIY activities you do with them rather than reading the slanderous conversations you engaged in.

They want to see happy, positive, social and professional personalities, not the other way around.

They are more likely to work with someone who uses social media to build their personal brand than with a whinging candidate who has a questionable online presence, and who do not realize that by wanting to ruin the reputation of others, they are in fact ruining their own reputation…

Sometimes, you don’t even need to interview a candidate to know if they are good or not, you just need to do a little research on Facebook…

You would be surprised if you knew how many nannies are rejected based on their social media… so remember to always stay positive, professional and helpful when you are on social media!

And don’t forget to reread this post on our blog “Nannies, think twice before posting on social media!


Jobs for Nannies