So many candidates forget to think about the consequences when they complain, or vent, or engage in slanderous or defamatory posts on social media.

When you do that, of course, you will always find people who agree with you and yes you will feel supported. And yes, you will damage the reputation of whoever pissed you off.

But above all you will ruin your own reputation.
You must never forget that anything you post can be seen by recruiters or potential employers, and everything you post can be screenshot.
Anything you write can also be misinterpreted or taken out of context.

In addition, you don’t always know the people you interact with.
Some of these people who post or participate in these publications are not always the victims or the super-nannies they claim to be, and without knowing it, you may be taking the side of real stalkers or liars.

Discretion is one of the keys to success in the nanny or private household staff industry. It’s so important to be mindful of what you post on social media!

If you are having trouble finding a job and recognize that you are not mindful of what you post on social media, your online presence could be one of the reasons…
No one wants to work with someone who goes straight to Facebook whenever they’re not happy…


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