In no particular order. And obviously the list is not exhaustive.
Nannies, what do you wish you had known before becoming a nanny?
What would you add to the list?
☆ You must have a contract. A detailed one.
☆ This is not the type of job that comes with standard benefits
☆ The job can involve long hours
☆ It’s not always easy to have a life outside of work
☆ A nanny job may be less secure than other professions
☆ You need to set boundaries and stand up for yourself
☆ You must be very clear on what you feel is child related tasks
☆ Being paid under-the-table is never a good idea
☆ Difficult and demanding parents can make your job hell
☆ As a nanny you are exposed to the best and worst parts of parenting
☆ If your parenting styles dont align, it can be a nightmare
☆ Work from home parents can also be a nightmare
☆ Nanny is a lonely profession
☆ The job can be physically demanding
☆ You may sometimes feel undervalued or not fully appreciated
☆ You can get more emotionally attached to the kids than you think
☆ Nanny is a fulfilling career
☆ Nanny is a career that deserves to be treated with respect and professionalism
☆ Your job is more important that you feel it is
☆ The more you know, the more you get paid !