So many applications are rejected because the candidates do not know how to price their services and aim too high, way too high…
If you are new to the nanny profession, you can’t expect to be in the highest salary range, you are going to have to work hard to climb the nanny ladder!
If you are an experienced nanny, of course do not sell yourself short but also make sure to be realistic, and align your salary expectations with average rates in your area and what nannies of similar experience are making.
And keep this in mind: not all families are VIP, HNW, or UHNW. Not all families can afford to pay salaries above market rates…
As much as we would like all nannies to have six-figure salaries or close to it, that’s not possible…
The most important thing should be to have a decent hourly wage, not an above-average salary… especially when you’re having trouble finding a position!