Nannies are unaffordable for many families, and most realize it is not in their budget after they begin their search…

Yes, it’s annoying to constantly see job offers with unacceptable conditions (in Facebook groups for example) and yes, these families should do better research before embarking on their search, but it’s not by being discourteous to these families, by humiliating them or even insulting them, that things will change…

It is normal that nannies want to be respected, and that their profession is valued, but it is not by publicly shaming people that they will achieve this.

It’s normal to want to say something when you see lousy nanny job postings on Facebook, but isn’t it better to just keep scrolling… after all, every family has a different budget.

When nasty comments pile up under these lousy job offers, it reflects poorly on all nannies, and it doesn’t really make parents want to offer better conditions or respect the profession…

In addition, nannies, you often find yourself banned from these nanny or parents groups where you see these job postings, or blacklisted by recruiters, because of these derogatory and frankly unnecessary comments… where will you go to find work when no one will want to work with you anymore?

It’s important to educate families looking for nannies, but it’s even more important to do it with respect.


Jobs for Nannies