• Full Time
  • Part Time
  • Live out
  • Live in
  • Founex, Switzerland
  • Reference: FR Founex
  • Status agency
  • Area: other jobs
*You must be registered as a candidate and logged into your account to apply.*

Family in Founex (near Geneva) is seeking a caring, experienced, and organized full-time nanny, fluent in English or French, for 40-45 hours per week, Monday to Friday. Part-time options are also available.

The ideal candidate will have teaching or education qualifications.

Key responsibilities include caring for their 9-year-old daughter, tutoring her in subjects like math, grammar, and writing in both French and English, and driving her to school and activities. Preparing her lunch is a plus but not required.

The position can be live-in or live-out, with full-time or part-time hours negotiable. The family will provide a car and an independent flat.

The nanny should be willing to travel with the family for holidays. A clean driving license is required, and the candidate must be a non-smoker.

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Jobs for Nannies