High-profile family of four in Beverly Hills is looking for an amazing part-time fit to welcome into their home! They have two wonderful young girls, ages 7 and 4. Mom is a SAHM and dad travels for work.
This family’s ideal nanny speaks fluent Italian and is excited to share their language skills with their two darling girls. A nanny who is excited to embrace Italian culture through food, fun projects and play, and language, learning along with the children would be the absolute dream!
Duties for this position will occasionally include errands or personal assisting tasks, but the main focus will be on the girls. Keeping their rooms and play areas clean and organized, making them healthy and delicious after-school snacks and dinners, and enjoying the sunshine and fresh air with them will be the most important part of your daily routine! The schedule for this position is Monday-Friday afternoons starting start time will begin in the afternoon after the girls are home from school around 2/3pm until 7/8pm with flexibility depending on what is best for both the nanny and the family. The pay for this position is between $30-40/hour gross. A clean, reliable car is required. Overnights may be required, along with travel up to 5 weeks at a time.