• Full Time
  • Part Time
  • Live out
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Reference: PE-Atlanta
  • Status agency
  • Area: us jobs
*You must be registered as a candidate and logged into your account to apply.*

Private family in Atlanta, GA is looking to hire a Private Educator as an alternative to school for their 4 year old daughter.

They want an experienced early childhood educator with experience in progressive pedagogy (e.g. Montessori, Reggio, etc.) who can curate an individualized education program for the family’s 4 year old daughter, based at their  home and leveraging the cultural offerings the city of Atlanta has (parks, museums, etc.). The educator would also need flexibility to travel internationlly for 2-3 months with the family. The family travels often and doesn’t want to have the constraints of needing to have their daughter attend school in person.

This candidate can either solely be a Private Educator and work from 10am – 3pm (25 hours). Or could also be a Nanny/Private Educator and work more hours 9am -4pm or 5pm (35-40 hours). The family is open to guaranteeing full time hours for the right candidate.

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Jobs for Nannies