Family in Chiswick are looking for a part time to care for their two children B8 and G10. They are looking for an engaging personality who can really keep up and interact with them and help with their homework, and become a great influence and personality in their lives.
The family would love if the Nanny could help with the cooking, as this will increase the hours, and housekeeping in relation to the children. This role is completely sole charge as both mum and dad work. The Grandparents live nearby and come over often in the evenings to look after the children, and the previous Nanny assisted their Nan with the laundry and cooking dinner! It is a super family orientated home, where you will feel super welcome.
The family are flexible with payment and hours, this role will be pro rata and averaged for various working days, therefore the salary starts from £24,752 up to £39,000